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Please remember!

All posters are reminded to:
– write their blogs with a beginning, middle and end! Especially if the posts are lengthily!
– When structuring people should try and begin with a teaser and use the “split” function – if you dont someone else will and you may not be happy with where the split is placed
– Also people should also be conscious of keeping images and videos placed in their posts to a size which is appropriate for all viewers. Just cause youve got a 30inch screen doesn’t mean everyone else does. A standard 6-4inch photo is MORE then big enough in most cases, your all mature people – apply intellectual thought and sound judgement!

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance

The BoD


Just wondering

So was my World of Warplanes post ok in this regard? I know the split was in the wrong place, but I was hoping to edit once I got the rights to make it a news post.

Sha8doW's picture


The current wowp post is Fine delta.
Could have been a little larger even, but fine.

The news post issue ill look into when I get home next week. Am currently interstate!

This wasn’t aimed at anyone in particular, just a reminder for all!
With the massive increase of content, especially challenges and pracs ( which are large content items) which al push genuine news off the front… Until we can get a new theme, we need to work together!

Ok thanks

Yeah I figured it was a general post to all, but I did would how I was fitting into this. I dont get any direct input back from BOD on how I am going with these things. If any of you do have any input or suggestions on any post I make, I do more then welcome the feed back on how I can improve it. Im not the best at English or structure. So I value outside opinion on this. :)

Oh, and if you do feel as though someone else can do better with the submitted information… well Im more then happy to do the write up and have someone else edit and submit it. I dont do it for the points, I do it cause I enjoy sharing the information. It was why I used to do my own review site for friends etc. When it was getting larger I was looking for a editor before I let the project drop due to time constraints.

Tripsicle98's picture

I have a feeling who it was pointing to

Im only trying to publicise my donations page

Sha8doW's picture


It’s not fired at anyone for anything. Your doing fine maties
We just need to not clog up the front page with any one piece of information. We need to maximize the amount of diverse content on the front
Every thing your both doing is very good and all valid! No issues with the contents,it’s about just trying to find a better way to Keep as much info on the front untill a new theme is decide

Fuzz's picture

Seriously not pointed at anyone

It’s all good guys. It’s exactly as Shad says. We’ve got a lot of content coming through, more so than ever before. We just need to make sure when we’re posting we’re looking for where the sensible place to put the split is so it doesn’t push other things down too much. If you’ve got images and videos etc you’ve got to be especially vigilant.

Sha8doW's picture

Thanks fuzz

Alot more succinctly put thanks

n0mad's picture


I blame n0rway and there paperw0rk…..


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